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GSA Schedule Rescue Camp: Steps You Need To Take NOW (CT PTAC)
Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT
Category: Member-Hosted Webinar

GSA Schedule Rescue Camp: Steps You Need To Take NOW

Presenter: Valerie Marchand, Procurement Specialist, CT PTAC and Judy Bradt, CEO, Summit Insight


The GSA Schedule Rescue Camp is designed to give you the skills you need to anticipate and avoid GSA Schedule problems. It will also teach you how to get yourself out of situations that threaten your contract, despite your best efforts, without spending a fortune.
This training is for GSA Schedule adventurers at all levels, especially if…

  • You have a new GSA Schedule; you want early success and no issues
  • You have sold less than $25K on your GSA Schedule in the last two years
  • You are afraid to return calls from your GSA Contracting Officer
  • Your GSA Schedule is up for a sales-goal review in less than six months
  • You just got THE LETTER from GSA

You’ll learn:

  • Why GSA might cancel your GSA Schedule
  • When you are most at risk of losing your contract
  • What to do when you get The Letter
  • Three ways to drive Q4 GSA Schedule business


When:  January 19, 2021 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Where:  Zoom Webinar
Cost: Free