Member Highlight

April 2024 NMC Featured Member:
Advanced Manufacturing LLC

 Advanced Manufacturing LLC NMC April 2024 Featured Member

Member Since: Jun 10, 2020

Fun Facts: 

  • Dr. Li, founder of Advanced Manufacturing, just opened a new 6,000 sq. ft. workshop with CNC and gantry type friction stir welding machines, and robotic arm equipped assembly line.
    • NMC Members: Be sure to join him on the April 17th tour of his facilities by registering here.
  • Dr. Li will be sharing a workshop Introducing Friction Stir Welding to New England on May 8th at 10 am LIVE in North Stonington, CT and virtually. Learn more and register here (webinar) or here (in person with networking following webinar).

Some of Advanced Manufacturing's Successes

Advanced Manufacturing has accomplished a LOT in the past year, including work with several DOE-funded programs: 

  • Co-PI of DOE , Accelerated discovery, design, and laser convergent manufacturing of low-temperature O-SOEC
  • Co-PI of DOE FECM program, Accelerated Discovery of Protection System and Laser Processing of Protective Coatings on CMC for Hydrogen Turbines
  • Co-PI of DOE EERE program, A Water Vapor Membrane Separation System for Process Drying and Latent Energy Recovery
  • Co-PI of DOE ARPA-E program, High-throughput computational guided development  of refractory complex concentrated alloys-based composite (Concluded)
  • Co-PI of DOE FE program, Wireless High Temperature Sensor Network

Additionally, they: 

  • have have sold a friction stir welding machine to North Carolina State University and established a close collaboration with them.
  • have sold a robotic type friction stir welding machine to Western New England University. They are setting up a local welding training center together.
  • are providing maintenance and consulting services in friction stir welding to the automobile industry throughout the US.

We are excited about the growth, including bringing their team to a solid 5 employees, up from one when they first joined the NMC in 2020. It's great to celebrate their growth and see them reaping the rewards from continued networking, pursuit of grants and funding, and leveraging the many grants and programs available around the state and in neighboring states to bring them quality interns and employees!

About Advanced Manufacturing, LLC

Advanced Manufacturing LLC has been promoting & Implementing additive manufacturing and friction stir processing for dynamic Industry since 2016. Our goal is focused on products with high performance, high quality level, compliance with industry specific certification standards. We optimize processing with constant awareness of customer expectations.

Learn More: 


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