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LIVE EVENT: R&D Technologies Presents: The Stratasys Experience - Manufacturing Showcase
Thursday, July 21, 2022, 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: Member-Hosted Events

R&D Technologies Presents: The Stratasys Experience - Manufacturing Showcase

The Stratasys Mobile Showroom is making a stop on July 21st for an event with R&D Technologies! Please join us for a convenient way to see 3D printing in action and determine how your organization can benefit from additive applications. In addition to the Experience Stratasys Tour, our Service Bureau Showroom will be open to the public while R&D Technologies will be hosting a Manufacturing Showcase to local manufacturing companies who would like to display and exhibit their products and services.

RND Stratasys event

Register today.

Special Offer: 

R&D Technologies offers NMC Companies the opportunity to participate in this live, in-person (rain or shine) manufacturing event. Email Charlie (his email is in your member directory when you log in to the site, or you can email us) with your company name, description, and website. You are also welcome to send a marketing document, but through a follow-up conversation with Charlie and the team, you will vet what you are offering and how it will fit in with the event. We extend this offer to all NMC companies.