New Naval & Maritime Consortium (NMC) Community Partners Spotlight 

NMC Featured Community Partner



Mitchell Hub

Fun Facts: 

  • Before working in higher education, Karen Bellnier worked as a museum exhibit developer creating such memorable experiences as exploring the history and nature of the Gulf, creating a Chicago-style hot dog with  yourself, and following waste water through a treatment plant.
  • The Mitchell Hub is centered on the values of access, connection, and flexibility.
  • Karen Bellnier and library director Katie Nazarian were invited to share their inclusive approach to redesigning the library space in anticipation of supporting students, Hub learners, and the New London community.
  • The Mitchell Hub and its vision for supporting employers and the workforce through access, connection, and flexibility in its online certification and professional learning, has been supported by the state through the Tech Talent Accelerator program and by State Representative Joe Courtney through federal funding.

About Mitchell Hub:

Companies face a number of challenges recruiting, retaining, and developing staff in today’s tight labor market and rapidly changing skill environment. Invest in your organization's future with our flexible employer solutions. Our learning blends real-world expertise with established knowledge, ensuring your team is prepared for success. Integrating Mitchell Hub courses into onboarding, upskilling, and retraining strategies can provide flexible and cost-effective solutions.



The select offerings were chosen to give you a quick glance on the types of course Mitchell Hub offers. Please visit the website for the full course list. If there are courses you believe should be offered to increase the skill level of today's workforce, reach out to share your thoughts with Karen. She welcomes feedback to improve the program and its offerings as well as mentors to share with students how they can excel in their fields. 


Mitchell Hub Announcement

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